| ERANOS-JUNG LECTURES 2025 | Magic and science in the modern Age: From the world of secrets to public knowledge


Magic and science in the modern Age: From the world of secrets to public knowledge

Lecture: Magic and Science in the Modern Age: From the World of Secrets to Public Knowledge

Lecturer: Franco Giudice (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)

Date: Friday, March 21, 2025, 6:30 p.m.

Place: Monte Verità (Ascona), Auditorium

Cycle: Eranos-Jung Lectures 2025 - A Jungian Lexicon for our Times: Guilt, Soul, Conflict, Time, Care, Knowledge

Language: Italian

Moderator: Fabio Merlini (Eranos Foundation, Ascona / SUFFP, Lugano)

Followed by discussion with the audience and aperitif

The video recording of the conference will be viewable on the official You Tube channel of the Eranos Foundation.

Lecture Presentation

At the threshold of modernity, science and magic are still shrouded in a bond that is difficult to dissolve. They are, so to speak, in a relationship of contiguity rather than clear opposition. The revival of magic was linked to Marsilio Ficino's translation, between 1461 and 1463, of the Corpus Hermeticum, which was later published in 1471: a collection of theological and magico-astrological texts attributed to the legendary figure of Hermes Trismegistus, or "thrice-great," the alleged founder of the religion of the Egyptians, a contemporary of Moses, as well as the source of Pythagoras and Plato. What characterizes these texts is the idea that every object in the universe consists of occult sympathies that connect it to the whole; that everything is divine; that between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (man) there are precise correspondences, which man is able to grasp. In particular, the magician is the one who can penetrate this network of correspondences, since he knows its secrets and is able - through invocations, images, talismans, etc. - to use them to his own advantage. Secrets precisely, which are to be concealed and made unrecognizable, as the exclusive patrimony of a chosen circle. The texts of the Corpus Hermeticum are referred to by Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, just to name a few of the founding fathers of modern science, to whom they appeared not as relics of gloomy superstitions of the past, but as an ancient and steadfast heritage of ieee, to be drawn upon and confronted. Despite this permanence, however, a different, strongly contrasting attitude to the secret knowledge of magicians also emerges. The idea that science is a universal form of knowledge, comprehensible to all and that everyone can contribute to its construction, is increasingly gaining ground. That is, the idea that science must be public and that secrecy rather than a value is a disvalue.

Lecturer' Bio-bibliography

Franco Giudice teaches History of Science at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is co-director of the journal "Galilaeana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science." In 2018 he was on the team (composed of Michele Camerota and Salvatore Ricciardo) that discovered and analyzed the autograph of Galileo's famous Letter to Benedetto Castelli dated December 21, 1613, which was found at the Royal Society Library in London. He deals with authors (Copernicus, Galileo, Descartes, and Newton, in particular) and issues (science and society, science and politics, science and religion, science, and technology) that led to the birth of modern science, on which he is writing a forthcoming book for Mondadori Publishers. His publications include Luce e visione. Thomas Hobbes e la scienza dell’ottica (1999), Lo spettro di Newton. La rivelazione della luce e dei colori (2009), Il telescopio di Galileo. Una storia europea (with M. Bucciantini and M. Camerota, 2012, translated into English in 2015), and Galileo ritrovato. La lettera a Castelli del 21 dicembre 1613 (with M. Camerota and S. Ricciardo, 2019). He has translated and edited Isaac Newton's Scritti sulla luce e i colori (2006) and Principi matematici della filosofia naturale (2018) as well as an annotated edition of Galileo's Saggiatore (with M. Camerota, 2023). He writes in the "Domenica" of the "Sole 24 Ore".


On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of C.G. Jung (1875-1961), the Eranos Foundation dedicates its Eranos-Jung Lectures - the public conferences held at the Monte Verità Conference Center in Ascona - to the exploration of a Jungian micro-lexicon, with which we wish to map some problematic nodes of our present. These are six words - Guilt, Soul, Conflict, Time, Care, Knowledge - to which Jung, during his intellectual and human journey, dedicated pages of great clarity and depth. For us today, they are precious notions through which we can shed light on ourselves, on our relationship with others and with the surrounding world. In this way, Jung will accompany us on a journey of discovery inside and outside ourselves, to help us better understand what went wrong in the process of civilization to which we owe both our power and our fragility, in the face of a reality that no longer seems to respond as we would like to our hegemonic designs.

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